Wednesday, May 30, 2012

a tiny casket of eccentricities

Merging colors,
and fragrant essence of thought clouds
squeezed to oblivion,
It were your steps,

while I moved as if in a trance

.Let my feet not give away,
I wish to stay afloat

 a few thought clouds more..

for the love of absurdity

Give me a random world to explore,
or an unknown island lit all night by fire-flies.
Bring me the content hums of a lullaby pickled in tongues not yet discovered.
I crave to paint my eyes fuchsia, blue and white to rob them off my individuality,
to give them an alien expressiveness.
Let us be withering constellations over a dark planet,
waiting to crash and ignite.
Of late,
a dervish spun by my room,
crashing a coffee pot in his wake,
and thus,
my room is slathered in coffee,
and my coffee is left with bright illuminated glass shards.
Let's share these tiny rainbow bit by bit.