Sunday, September 25, 2011


"aah, I love this place. It brings out the poet in me."

"you'd rather marry these ruins someday, if you could right??"

*chuckles* "its funny you said that. last night before I slept I actually considered the idea of being a wall.."

"A WALL??"

"a wall.."

"strange. If that's so, I'd rather be a curtain myself"

"and why a curtain??"

*sighs* "nothing elaborate in particular you know, just that one really wishes so after spending half a day in the basement. plus its really frustrating to be on the hidden part , unobservable, uninterrupted, layered.
I'd love to have both the dimensions to myself you know,  all the while when each is concealed to the other."

"well that's a weird desire.."

"yeah?? weirder than being peed on all day, or having gibberish scribbled all over you"

"you're just being mean now.."

"search me!!!"

"you know it right??"

*perplexed*" WHAT is it that I know, smartypants..??"

"that its facing the same direction all day, and having the shadows caress you while life goes about in its mundane pace. Its having time grow all over you, yet never leave. Its the innocence of a thought that you shall never be found, and that finally you are free, crouching, apprehensive, but free!!
I remember reading  somewhere in the fairy tales, that it was a fairy who slept between the bricks..."


"What about the wallflower?""

"it wasn't a fairy, who slept there you see. It was her necklace she hid there. red and gold., rubies and..."

"...opals. strung on delicate dew drops. enchanting as the heavens themselves. I remember.."

"And the flowers grew over it."

*grins*" I'll have the wallflowers grow over me"

"...and I shall watch you silently from papa's quarters."

*whispers* "and nobody else"

"nobody else..pinky promise!!"

------------------------16 years later-------------------

"I hate this place you know. It smells of eccentricities. I'm afraid I'll be an old spinster till I get through."

"you're lucky you know. I feel torn apart by these two lives I lead."

"what have you to complain about silly. you have those amazing kids, that loving husband.."

"and my Godforsaken job"

"Godforsaken job!! superwoman with modesty huh!!"

"superwoman?? a curtain is more like it you know, two disconnected worlds, with you wavering nervously in between"

*smiles*"better than having handed-down ideals scribbled over you.."